Monday, April 29, 2013

Exotics Pets: Axolote

Hi friends!
Today I will talk about the Axolotl, a animal that I discover navigated for internet, Its fascinate me since the first time that I see It.

Axolotl is a exotic and interesting pet from Mexico. Its an amphibian with tail, belonging to the family of salamanders. Its name come from the Nahuatl language and mean "Dog of Water". Its own tree grills and a bagful lung, because of that the axolotl must stay in the water and in surface some times. The axolotl have four fingers in each leg and can live twenty five years how maximum.

The poet Julio Cortazar written a story about the axolotl  is a very good story, in that the poet discover the animal in an aquarium and relate how him fall in ecstasy when see it: "The lions was ugly and sad
and my panther was sleep. I choose for the aquariums, I dodge common fishes until that I leave with the axolotl. I stay one hour seen it and leave, incapable of another thing".

Today the axolotl is in dangerous, Its habitat is contaminated and the Mexicans eat it

Help us the axolotl please! I wanna know it and take care it!

Bless and animal liberation!

Monday, April 22, 2013

The person I admire

The person I admire is called Domenico Enzo Faletto Verné. Enzo Faletto (him nickname) is a latinoamerican sociology belonging to first generation of the students of the FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Science) an organization founded by UNESCO in 1957 with a center in Santiago, Chile, until the dictatorship in 1973.

Faletto is one of the most recognized theorists of the "theory of the dependence" together with Fernando Cardoso, a sociology and Brazilian president between 1995 and 2002. Faletto and Cardoso written a important book for the latinoamerican sociology used for many students of social sciense in Latinoamerica. The book is called "Dependency and Development" (1969), in this book is criticized the disadvantage position of Latinoamerica in the word economic structure and is understood the economy how a social forces that fight each other for there hegemony. When them written the book, Cardoso was a very critical person, but when him was president in 1995 he was a neoliberalism president that attack the social rights of the Brazilians. 

Faletto return to Chile in 1990 where he was teach sociology in the Universidad de Chile until him dead in 2003. He was teach sociology to professors that teach me now sociology, that Carlos Ruiz. I expected that the critical tradition of Faletto continues in the sociology and the academics never will be how Cardoso. 

Bless and liberty!

Monday, April 15, 2013

My favorite band

Hi everybody!

My favorite band is called "Extremoduro", they from Spain, Piacenza. Extremoduro was founded in 1987. They themselves have defined his style as "transgressive rock". Roberto Iniesta, the singer of the band, is a great poet and writer. The lyrics of the band are very special thanks to Roberto. He defined the love since a special way: The way of drugs, adventures, bohemian, madness, revolution and strange feelings. Extremoduro is considered by many magazines and artist as one of the best spanish rock bands in history.

I like this band because I feel that represent me. Their way of understand the life is very beautiful if you can interpreted their philosophy. The band express many emotions at the same time, emotions that you will not express with simple concrete words, you need the music and metaphor concepts that drugs show you.

My favorite song of the Extremoduro is "Puta" (the song that I posted), this song contain a poem of Federico Garcia Lorca called "The meetings of a adventured snail". The lyric is so confused because show many contradiction emotions. I invite to you to listen this song and post your opinions or interpretations of this song. 

Bless and Liberty!

Monday, April 8, 2013

My Autobiography

My full name is Nicolas Agustin Ratto Ribo. I am 19 years old and live in Santiago, Chile. I born in this town and I live all of mi live here. My birthday is on September 30th, the month of the "chauvinist leprosy". We are two in my family; My mother and me. My parents were divorced when I was a boy. I see my father two times in a week approximately.

I finish the school in 2011, the year of the "Chile Spring". Because my school is private, the national protest was weak in this. Even Though the protests have influence in me; Mark my decision about my professional career,  sociology. I registered in 2012 at "Universidad de Chile" and since this moment I discovered the amazing world of the knowledge of the social phenomenon, a world that still amazing me every day. Actually I course second of sociology and I start to be a member of the "Frente de estudiantes Libertarios (FeL)".

In holidays I travel; I visited the south of Chile and some towns of Argentine and Brasil. In the future I pretend will go across the world knowing different cultures and life stiles.