Monday, May 13, 2013

Les Misérables - Victor Hugo

                      Do you hear the people sing? singing the song of angry man? 
                          It is the music of the people who will not be slaves again

Les Miserables is book written by Victor Hugo (1802-1885), who was a French poet, novelist, politic and dramatist of the romantic movement.

This book is about the french society of the middle of twenty nine century; about the contradictions in this age, the revolutions that its generated, the destiny, the love for the other and the loneliness of a convict.

The book begin with the history of a convict, Jean Valjean, that still a peace of bread because his cousin have hungry. After nineteen years the man was free, but desperateness for the social discrimination the man still again a candelabrum to a bishop. The bishop forgive to the convict, and this start a life dedicated to good. In this way the man get a clothes industry, but the good time will be interrupted because a old enemy of the past come back to the life of Jean Valjean, and the revolutionary spirit of the age will be appear.

In 2012 Tom Hopper realized a musical movie about the book, this movie reach to the cinema and its very good, at same time the movie utilize the music by Claude-Michel Schonberg of the musical theater "Les Miserables" (1980).

Bless and Liberty!
For the Miserables of the world!

Monday, May 6, 2013


My favorite piece of technology is the "kindle", this its a electric reader of books very useful for me, a student of social science.
The kindle is a portable device that becomes the life of the student and intellectual more easy. This device allows buy, store and read digital books. The kindle is connected with internet through WiFi.

I used for first time the kindle when I was graduated, the year 2011. My grandmother give me the kindle how a gift because I was finished the school. Since this time I learn to used and the kindle facilitated my life; I  use this for read text of the university, and in this way not pay for the printing text that destroy the trees of the world. For use it I download the text that interest me in the PC and I send a free mail to my kindle, the text appear in this.

I used the kindle every day, unless that I have printing the book. If is it, I prefer read the text in paper.

My life without the kindle would be like normal, same that now. The kindle is something replaceable that never overcome the magic of the books in paper, with odor of paper and black tint.